Thank you for your interest in using the services of Jumbo Tours Group.


By accessing and using our website and services, you agree to be legally bound by the following Terms and Conditions of Use. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, we kindly ask that you do not use our website or the services offered.


Jumbo Tours Spain S.L.U, the owner of the website http://www.transfers-jtg.com/ (hereinafter, the "Website"), is a company dedicated to managing the reservation and sale of activities, excursions, guided tours, and other tourist activities in different parts of the world for users interested in contracting these services. Jumbo Tour Group makes available to users a platform http://www.transfers-jtg.com/ through which an individual or legal entity (hereinafter, the "User") can reserve the official transfer service to PortAventura World.


The information regarding Jumbo Tours is as follows:


• Owner: Jumbo Tours Spain S.L.U.

• VAT number: B-07893365

• Address: Gran Vía Asima 4 B 2nd floor. Son Castelló Industrial Estate. 07009 Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain

• Contact email: transfers.portaventura@jumbotours.com


1. Definitions


1.1. Travel Agency: refers to Jumbo Tours Spain S.L.U, a company with the address at Gran Vía Asima 4 B 2nd floor. Son Castelló Industrial Estate. 07009 Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain, and with a license number to operate as a travel agency in Spain.

1.2. Website: refers to the website of the Travel Agency, accessible through http://www.transfers-jtg.com.com/.

1.3. Services: encompass the services offered by the Travel Agency, including but not limited to, the online sale of transfers and excursions and/or activities at the final destination to the end consumer.

1.4. User: refers to any person who accesses or uses the website and/or services of the Travel Agency.


2. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions


2.1. By using our website and/or services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions in their entirety. If you do not agree with any of the terms, we kindly ask that you do not use our services.


2.2. We reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on the Website. It is the user's responsibility to periodically review these terms to stay informed of updates. Continued use of the Website and services after changes implies acceptance of the modifications made.


3. Description of the Services


3.1. The Travel Agency is dedicated to the online sale of transfers and excursions and/or activities at the final destination to the end consumer.


3.2. The website provides detailed information about the available services, including descriptions, prices, available dates, and specific conditions for each service.


3.3. To reserve a service, the user must complete the purchase process on the website and comply with the specified requirements.


3.4. Once the booking process is completed and payment has been made, you will be able to enjoy the services acquired under the conditions in which they were contracted.


4. User Responsibilities and Conduct on the Website


4.1. By using our website and services, you guarantee that you have the legal capacity to enter into binding contracts and that you will provide accurate and up-to-date information when acquiring and contracting our services.


4.2. The User agrees to make lawful, diligent, honest, and proper use of any information or content accessed through the Website, always acting in good faith and respecting current legislation and these Terms and Conditions of Use. In particular, but not limited to, Users must not:


• Provide false, inaccurate, incomplete, and/or outdated data, or impersonate any person or identity.

• Use the Website for fraudulent purposes or engage in criminal activities or any other type of illegal activities.

• Introduce or spread computer viruses that may cause unauthorized alterations to the content or systems of the Website.

• Use the Website to download or share illegal, offensive, pornographic, abusive, indecent, defamatory, obscene, or threatening material of any kind, or material that violates copyrights, trademarks, confidentiality, privacy, or any other rights, or is otherwise offensive or objectionable to third parties.

• Download, send, or distribute in any other way content or applications that may violate any applicable laws or infringe any rights of any party.


Jumbo Tours Spain S.L.U reserves the right to deny any attempt to access the Website in cases of misuse of the Website in accordance with the provisions of this clause.


5. Availability and Prices


5.1. The Website shows the complete final price, including taxes and any other additional expenses, as well as, if applicable, the applicable discounts and any additional supplements or increases corresponding to complementary or special operations. The issuance of a prior estimate is not applicable.


5.2. We make every effort to provide accurate, complete, and up-to-date information about the Product.


5.3. Jumbo Tours Spain S.L.U. may modify the prices of the Products whenever deemed appropriate. Therefore, Users, when accessing the web pages where the prices of Jumbo Tours Spain S.L.U.'s products are displayed, must ensure that they are the updated version.


6. Economic Booking Conditions. Payment for Services


6.1. The booking of Jumbo Tours Spain S.L.U.'s services will be considered formalized once Users have completed and accepted the reservation form for the activity or transfer, and it has been confirmed after correctly completing the booking process and making the payment successfully.


6.2. The prices will be as indicated by Jumbo Tours Spain S.L.U. at the time of booking the chosen activity or transfer. All services are immediately confirmed and paid for at the moment of booking using a credit or debit card (Visa or Mastercard) or PayPal.


6.3. In general, Jumbo Tours Spain S.L.U. charges the full amount through the Website for the reserved activity, tour, guided visit, and/or transfer. However, there are certain services whose Providers allow Users to pay a part of the total amount during the booking process and, at the time of enjoying the activity, tour, guided visit, or transfer, Users make the payment for the remaining amount. In any case, this aspect depends on the conditions of each Provider.


6.4. After booking the reservation, Users will receive a confirmation email confirming the payment of the contracted service and providing a purchase receipt for the services booked. Users should note that this purchase receipt does not constitute the issuance of the corresponding invoice for the contracted services. Users may request an invoice once they have formalized their reservation through the Website.


6.5. In the event that the service has been contracted with the Provider and the provision of the contracted services takes place outside national territory, Jumbo Tours Spain S.L.U. will issue a purchase receipt, and Users will have the possibility to request the issuance of an invoice from the Providers.


6.6. In the case of services provided within national territory, Jumbo Tours Spain S.L.U. will issue an invoice for the provision of services as intermediaries on behalf and for the account of the Provider, in accordance with the provisions of Additional Provision 4 of Royal Decree 1619/2012, of November 30, which approves the regulation governing invoicing obligations.


7. Cancellations and Modifications


7.1. Without prejudice to the rights of the User regarding cancellations of combined travel services, to which the provisions of Legislative Royal Decree 1/2007, of November 16, approving the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws apply, each of the services promoted by Jumbo Tours Spain S.L.U. on the Website has a specific cancellation policy, which Users can consult on the Website itself.


In conclusion, the cancellation and modification policies for each service are clearly specified in the information provided before completing the purchase.


7.2. In some cases, changes or cancellations will be subject to the conditions established by the service provider, and Jumbo Tours Spain S.L.U. assumes no responsibility for such policies.


By accepting these Terms and Conditions of Use, Users declare that they have read and expressly accepted this cancellation policy and agree to the cancellation conditions of the service they contract and book through the Website.

8. Guarantees


8.1. Jumbo Tours España S.L.U. acts both as an independent intermediary between the User and the Operators, and as a direct provider of the contracted services. In the event of an incident, the User must contact Jumbo Tours España S.L.U. to adopt appropriate solutions. The Operators or the Travel Agency, depending on who actually provides the services, will be responsible for the correct execution of the contracted services, keeping the User harmless to Jumbo Tours España S.L.U.


8.2. Jumbo Tours España S.L.U. will make official complaint forms or reports available to the User upon request, as well as, if applicable, electronic forms, in order to provide the User with adequate legal protection of their rights.


9. Exclusion of Liability


9.1. Jumbo Tours España S.L.U. will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages arising from the use or access of the website or services, including, among others, loss of revenue, profits, data, or damage to reputation. Among others, and for illustrative purposes only and not limited to, Jumbo Tours España S.L.U. is not responsible for the following circumstances:


• Lack of availability, maintenance, and effective operation of the Website and/or its services or contents, as well as damages of any nature that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the Website.

• Technical failures attributable to third parties or force majeure causes that prevent the proper functioning of the Website.

• Cases of force majeure, understood as failure, suspension, or interruption of services or use of the Website, as a result of the blocking of the Internet network, actions or omissions of third parties, or any other causes or circumstances beyond the control of Jumbo Tours España S.L.U. that prevent the normal use of the Website.

• Illegal, negligent, fraudulent, contrary to the terms of these Terms and Conditions of Use, or bad faith use of the Website by Users.


9.2. Jumbo Tours España S.L.U. will strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information on the website, but does not guarantee that the content is free from errors or that it is updated at all times.


Jumbo Tours España S.L.U. reserves the right to initiate legal actions that it is entitled to against Users as a result of the commission of the acts described in this section, and in general, for non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions of Use.


10. Intellectual Property


10.1. The content of the website, including but not limited to text, images, logos, graphics, and software, is protected by intellectual property laws and is the exclusive property of Jumbo Tours España S.L.U.


10.2. Reproduction, distribution, modification, or unauthorized use of the content of the website without the express written consent of Jumbo Tours España S.L.U. is strictly prohibited.


10.3. Jumbo Tours España S.L.U. does not grant any license or authorization for the use of its intellectual and industrial property rights or any other property or right related to the website. Accessing and browsing the website does not imply a total or partial waiver, transfer, license, or assignment of such rights by Jumbo Tours España S.L.U.


Any unauthorized use of these contents by the user will be considered a serious breach of intellectual or industrial property rights and will result in legally established responsibilities.


11. Personal Data Protection


11.1. In accordance with the current data protection regulations, all personal data provided during the use of the website will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which every user acknowledges and accepts when visiting our website.


12. Modifications and Updates


12.1. As stated in clause 2.2 of these Terms and Conditions of Use, Jumbo Tours España S.L.U. reserves the right to make as many modifications as it deems appropriate. Any modification, change, or update will be effective immediately after its publication on the website. It is the user's responsibility to periodically review these Terms and Conditions of Use to stay informed of any updates. The continued use of the website and services after the changes implies acceptance of the modifications made.


13. Safeguard Clause


13.1. All clauses of these Terms and Conditions of Use should be interpreted independently and autonomously, with the rest of the provisions not being affected in the event that one of them is declared void by a court order or final arbitral resolution.


14. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction


14.1. These Terms and Conditions of Use shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish law.


14.2. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the interpretation, performance, or validity of these Terms and Conditions of Use shall be subject to and submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the city corresponding to the user's domicile or where the services offered by Jumbo Tours España S.L.U. are provided, at the choice of Jumbo Tours España S.L.U. In the event that regulations allow for the possibility to choose the applicable law, both parties, expressly waiving any other law that may apply to them, submit to the common Spanish legislation.


14.3. Furthermore, pursuant to the provisions of Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes, Jumbo Tours España S.L.U. informs users that, in the event of a dispute, EU residents may access the "Online Dispute Resolution Platform" developed by the European Commission, in order to attempt to resolve out-of-court any dispute arising from the provision of services by Jumbo Tours España S.L.U.


To access the "Online Dispute Resolution Platform," you can do so through the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/

In any case, Jumbo Tours España S.L.U. informs the user that they have a Complaint Form through which you can make any complaints or claims regarding the services provided by Jumbo Tours España S.L.U."